I was having problems finding one source with all of the upcoming events that may be of interest to Salem residents, and especially Salem Democrats, so I have compiled this calendar as a guide.
Please let me know if you find errors as you verify dates, times and locations with the event hosts. And if you are aware of other events that should be listed, please let me know. It is, and always will be, a work in progress. I’m not responsible for errors or omissions.
Events are broken into categories. Here you will find events for Salem Dems, Rockingham County Dems events, and the NH Democratic Party, presidential candidate appearances, events taking place in the Greater Salem Community, and NH activism events, as well as holidays and place holders for dates where more info needed. You can click on the Categories button to choose the type of events you wish to view.
I hope you find this information useful!
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
Salem Dems Monthly Politics & Tacos
6:30 pm
Salem Dems Monthly Politics & Tacos
@ Margaritas
Jan 21 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Salem Dems meet on the third Tuesday of the month. We gather at Margaritas at 6:30 to socialize and order off the menu. Meetings start at 7:00. Watch Salem Dems Facebook pages for details about …