A viral challenge is inspiring bored teens — and tens of thousands of others — to clean the planet. Now #trashtag is the “In” thing to do!

The challenge is simple:
1. Find a spot strewn with litter. Sadly, these spots are easy to find. It could be a beach, park or trail, the side of the road, etc.
2. Take a photo of the location.
3. Then clean the location up
4. Take an “after” photo of your handiwork, and share it with the hashtag, #trashtag
Any day could be a good #trashtag day, but some might be better than others. Here are some good days to consider:
Earthday is Monday, April 22.
Salem Bike-Ped Corridor Cleanup is Saturday, April 27. Meet at the trail parking lot just north of Range Rd at 9 a.m.
Details at https://www.facebook.com/events/1622850117817727/
Field of Dreams has shared with me that their annual spring cleanup is Saturday, May 4th, 8:30 – 12:30. Watch for info at https://www.facebook.com/FieldofDreamsSalemNH/
It’s more fun when you do it with others, so bring your friends! Just be sure to stay safe.
Thanks to Dave Wholley and the Salem Department of Public Works for the good work that they have already done in parts of town. But this is an on-going issue.
It takes all of us to keep our world clean. There are many ways we can do it — #trashtag is but one way — but together, we can do it!
For more info about #TrashTag:
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