Conversations with a Candidate

I believe public officials should be available to their constituents. If elected, I intend to have public meetings where my constituents can meet with me, and discuss their concerns. But to be elected as your Representative, I need your vote on Tuesday, November 6.

Perhaps you already know for whom you will vote, but there are many who are still undecided. If you still need more information, I invite you to join me for a respectful Conversations with a Candidate.

I’ve scheduled three events this week, to give folks a chance to Meet and Greet. Join me to respectfully ask you questions and share your concerns. Grab a coffee or place your order off the menu. If none of these times work for you, please contact me, and we can try to arrange a different time.

Why did I choose 99 Restaurant? Through the end of the month, they have special promotions to help the Greater Salem Boys & Girls Club, one of the organizations that I like to support.

RSVPs are requested, but not required. Always feel free to contact me!
Email: or call 603-722-0714

Thanks for your interest, and thank you for considering voting on Nov. 6.