Happy New Year!
Hello, Salem!
NH Dept of Human Services did not do an update today, which gave me the time to update many of my charts and tables.
I’m leaving the calendar from yesterday, a summary of yesterday’s report, and the resources, but some of the rest has been updated. Hopefully there will not be a need for many more of these. (I’m trying to be optimistic …)
Let’s all have a happy and healthy New Year! Stay safe, and always, be kind.
Happy New Year!
COVID-19 Update: Summary of 2020
- Salem:
- Total: 1,453 confirmed cases in Salem
- 1 out of 21 Salem residents have been infected
- 167 active cases
- Community Transmission: All 10 counties and our two biggest cities have more than 100 new cases per 100K residents, putting the State in a substantial level of community transmission. New Hampshire: 614.2.0. Rockingham County: 687. Salem: 895
- Average Positivity Rate over 7 days: New Hampshire: 8.2%; Rockingham County: 8.0%; Salem: 8.1%; Manchester: 9; Nashua: 10.7%. 62 communities have a positivity rate higher than Salem; 39 communities have a positivity rate of more than 10%.; 93 communities have a positivity rate of more than 5%. (Moderate: 5%-10%); 102 communities have a positivity rate of more than 2%. (Goal: <2%)
- Active Cases: There are 26 NH communities with more than 50 active cases. Between them, these communities have 3,679 active cases, accounting for 62% of all active cases.
- Cumulative Cases: There are now 113 communities that have had 50 or more cases, and 85 that have had 100 or more. Only Manchester, Nashua, and Concord have had more total cases than Salem.
- Total positive cases in NH: 44,028; in Rockingham County: 10,918
- Total negative cases in NH: 468,25
- Active cases in NH: 5,919; in Rockingham County: 1,356
- Total Recovered: 37,350 (84.8%)
- Total hospitalized patients: 902 (2.05% of those infected.)
- Currently hospitalized: 317
- Total admitted to ICU: 300
- Total fatalities in NH associated with COVID-19: 759; 1.72% of those diagnosed with COVID-19.

The following video was posted almost two months ago. Things have changed in that time. On October 2, US deaths were 1,035,451, according to the video. (My records say 1,033,174 per WorldOmeter.) WorldOMeter now says the global death rate is 1,446,889, an increase of 413,715 in less than two months. Just please remember that there is a lot more between COVID->Death vs. COVID->Recovery. More and more, long-haulers are making the news, as are other consequences of COVID-19.

This screenshot comes from https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6942e2.htm?s_cid=mm6942e2_w
This report is explained here:
Useful links
- Salem Resource Center of Southern NH Services: Housing relief and fuel assistance. 603-893-9172. https://www.snhs.org
- Legal issues because of COVID: https://nhlegalaid.org/legal-issues-during-covid-19-crisis.
- Food pantries: https://www.foodpantries.org/ci/nh-salem and http://www.wecarecharity.org/projects
- Unemployment resources: https://www.bonnie4salem.us/unemployed/
- COVID-19 testing: https://www.bonnie4salem.us/covid-19-testing/
- Complications of COVID-19: https://www.bonnie4salem.us/covid-19-consequences/
- COVID-19 is not the flu. Here are the numbers: https://www.bonnie4salem.us/covid-pneumonia-flu/
- The Science Behind Masks: https://www.bonnie4salem.us/science-behind-masks/
- Resources for Salem residents: https://www.bonnie4salem.us/covid-19-cases-in-salem/
- Safer at Home guidance documents on the State’s website.
- Other COVID resources from NH DHHS on the State’s website.
- Other COVID resources: https://www.bonnie4salem.us/covid-19-resources/
- Massachusetts Travel Order: https://www.bonnie4salem.us/massachusetts-travel-order/
- Mental health resources
- NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Health. 24-hour hotline: 1-800-950-6264. https://www.nami.org/Home
- Center for Life Management (603) 434-1577, Option 1. https://www.centerforlifemanagement.org/
- #SuicideAwareness: 1-800-273-8255.
Sources used to create these reports:
- https://www.nh.gov/covid19/
- https://www.boston.com/news/health/2020/03/09/updating-stats-numbers-covid-19-massachusetts
- https://www.boston.com/news/coronavirus/2020/05/20/latest-massachusetts-town-city-covid-19-numbers
- https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/salemtownrockinghamcountynewhampshire/PST045219
- https://www.politico.com/interactives/2020/coronavirus-testing-by-state-chart-of-new-cases/
- https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus