COVID-19 Update January 26

COVID-19 Update January 26

  • Total: 1,985 confirmed cases in Salem. 
  • Salem’s Positivity Rate for the past 2 weeks: 8.2%
  • 1 out of every 15 Salem residents have been infected 
  • Salem today: 9 new cases; 167 active cases. 

• • • • • • Report from NH Department of Health and Human Services (NH DHHS) • • • • • • 

On Tuesday, January 26, 2021, DHHS announced 435 new positive test results for COVID-19, for a current PCR test positivity rate of 4.2%. Today’s results include 188 people who tested positive by PCR test and 247 who tested positive by antigen test. There are now 5,430 current COVID-19 cases diagnosed in New Hampshire. Of the results reported today: 

  • 1/24: 39 new cases today, for an updated total of 398 cases 
  • 1/25: 396 new cases 

Test results for previous days are still being processed and the total number of new positives for those days are not yet complete. Updated case counts for prior days will be reflected on the COVID-19 interactive dashboard. 

• • • • • • TODAY’S SPOTLIGHT • • • • • •

  • At first blush, today’s numbers look promising. However, only 966 test results were returned today. Going back 251 days, to May 21, I only see 26 days with fewer test results for a one-day period.
  • NH’s one-day positivity rate (for PCR test results only) is down to 4.2%, which is good news.
  • There were more antigen test results reported today than PCR tests. This is the 5th time this has happened since antigen results were first reported in early October.
  • There were “only” 9 new cases in Salem today. The average over the past week (including today) is 20.4 cases per day. The average for the previous week was 20.0. The average for the week before that was also 20.4 cases per day.
  • Salem’s active cases are 167. The average over the past week is 165.4. The previous week was 161.6 cases per day, but the week before that was 171.8.
  • 79 of today’s new cases were kids under 18. This age made up 18.2% of all new cases today.
  • Only 9 of today’s new cases were long-term care facilities. The average over the past week is 20 new cases per week.
  • NH’s active cases continue to fall. We are now at to 5,430, which is the lowest since December 7.
  • Salem’s Positivity Rate over the past 7 days decreased today to 8.2%. 48 communities have a higher rate than Salem, and 30 communities, including Nashua, are over 10%.
  • NH’s positivity rate is also falling. NH is 5.8%. Rockingham County is 7.3%.  Even Manchester is down to 7.5%.
  • Since the last update, five more people were admitted to the hospital for the first time, including two people from Rockingham County.
  • There are 213 people who are currently hospitalized in NH with COVID-19, bringing us back to the level we had on December 8.
  • Two more people were admitted to the ICU in the 24-hours covered by this report. The daily average is 1.1 people over the last two weeks, and 1.3 over the past week.
  • Another 4 people died in NH from COVID since the last report, including two from Rockingham County.
  • DHHS announced that 12 outbreaks at long-term care facilities are now closed, including the one at the Veterans Home and Salem’s Greystone. 
  • This was the first week in a long time with no new outbreaks at a long-term care facility.

• • • • • • Communities • • • • • •

  • NH DHHS reports that the new cases reside in Rockingham (87), Strafford (62), Hillsborough County other than Manchester and Nashua (54), Belknap (36), Merrimack (35), Grafton (29), Cheshire (17), Coos (12), Carroll (10), and Sullivan (8) counties, and in the cities of Manchester (30) and Nashua (22). The county of residence is being determined for thirty- three new cases. 

• • • • • • DIAGNOSTIC TESTS IN NH • • • • • •

  • New positive cases by my math (Total of today’s cases minus previous total): 404
  • New positive cases per DHHS: 435
    • 188 PCR tests
    • 247 Antigen tests
  • Children under 18 in new cases: 79
  • % of new cases announced by DHHS today that are kids under 18 years old: 18.2%
  • Total positive cases in NH: 63,172
  • Percentage of today’s tests that are positive per DHHS: 4.2%
  • Total PCR test results reported today (Positive results plus negative results): 966
  • New negative results reported today: 562
  • Total negative cases in NH: 524,201

• • • • • • ROCKINGHAM COUNTY • • • • • • 

  • Total cases in Rockingham County: 15,377
  • New cases in Rockingham County: 87
  • Rockingham County Positivity Rate: 7.3%
  • Percent of NH cases that are from Rockingham County: 24.3% 

• • • • • • CHANGES BY AGES • • • • • •  
(Shown: Total infections, percentage of all infections, and increase yesterday.)

  • 0-9: 2823 = 4% (+38).
  • 10-19: 6510 = 10% (+52).
  • 20-29: 11871 = 19% (+81).
  • 30-39: 9259 = 15% (+55).
  • 40-49: 8502 = 13% (+49).
  • 50-59: 10168 = 16% (+66).
  • 60-69: 6833 = 11% (+37).
  • 70-79: 3691 = 6% (+15).
  • 80+: 3428 = 5% (+11).
  • Unknown: 87 = 0% (+0).

• • • • • • ACTIVE CASES • • • • • •                          

  • Active cases in NH: 5,430
  • Active cases in Rockingham County: 1,218
  • Percent of NH’s active cases that are in Rockingham County: 22.4%

• • • • • • RECOVERED IN NH • • • • • • 

  • Announced today: 597
  • Total Recovered: 56,748
  • Percentage of diagnosed cases that have recovered: 89.8% 

• • • • • • HOSPITALIZATIONS IN NH • • • • • • 

  • Currently hospitalized: 213
  • New people hospitalized from NH: 5 
  • Total hospitalized patients: 1,012
  • Percentage of those who have been infected that have been hospitalized: 1.60%
  • Total admitted to ICU: 326
  • New hospitalized patients from Rockingham County: 2
  • Total hospitalized patients from Rockingham County: 232

• • • • • • DEATHS IN NH • • • • • • 

  • Lives lost today: 4
  • Persons over 60 years of age who died today: 4
  • Persons under 60 years of age who died today: 0
  • Total fatalities in NH associated with COVID-19: 994
  • NH Residents diagnosed with COVID-19 that died: 1.57%
  • Lives lost in Rockingham County today: 2
  • Total lives lost in Rockingham County: 176

These are not simply numbers. We must not forget that these are all someone’s husband or wife, mother or father, sister or brother, son or daughter, friend or neighbor.

Hello, Salem!

I was asked again today to report on recovered rates in Salem. I wish I could. However, the State doesn’t share that number, and they don’t share the number of deaths for any municipality other than Manchester and Nashua, so I’m unable to compute it.

There is enough data in each update to compute Rockingham County’s recovered rate if someone wants it. From yesterday’s update:
Total cases: (15,299). Minus Active (1,278). Minus deaths (174). = 9,498.

I think NH Recovered numbers are more useful, and that is reported daily. As of today, 89.8% of all confirmed cases in NH have been reported as “recovered.” Salem’s recovery rate is likely close to that amount. Our active cases account for 8.41% of all of our confirmed cases. That’s not bad, but still, way too many. We can do better.

Stay safe, and always, be kind.


Compiled by Bonnie Wright, based on data obtained from NH DHHS.

The following video was posted almost two months ago. Things have changed in that time. On October 2, US deaths were 1,035,451, according to the video. (My records say 1,033,174 per WorldOmeter.) WorldOMeter now says the global death rate is 1,446,889, an increase of 413,715 in less than two months. Just please remember that there is a lot more between COVID->Death vs. COVID->Recovery. More and more, long-haulers are making the news, as are other consequences of COVID-19.

This screenshot comes from

This report is explained here:

Useful links

Sources used to create these reports:

2 Replies to “COVID-19 Update January 26”

  1. Waiting to have a hip replacement , so happy Hubby and I have first vaccine shot coming up early March . I scheduled my surgery to follow short number 2 and giving myself enough time to get immunity with the full vaccines . This has been a challenge but some light after the long tunnel we have been through. Bless us all and Bless our new President for fighting for the humans left fighting this so real virus !!! Thank You for keeping us informed.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Judy. This sounds like you have thought this out well, and have made a good plan. Good luck to you!!! <3

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