COVID-19 Update June 1

COVID-19 Update June 1

Salem Total: 245 confirmed cases, 1 out of every 121 residents

Salem Today: 1 new case; 68 active cases.


***** TODAY’S SPOTLIGHT ******

  •  Globally: 6,366,176 cases; 377,437 deaths
  •  US: 1,859,323 confirmed cases; 106,925 deaths.
  •  For two days in a row, the current hospitalization number has been under 100.
  •  In Salem, 1 out of 121 people have been infected. In Rockingham County, it’s 1 out of 236. In NH, it’s 1 out of 290 people.
  •  Massachusetts now has over 100,000 positive cases. They also now have more than 7,000 deaths.
  •  Middlesex County now has over 22,000 cases.
  • Dr. Chen, the state epidemiologist, reported that NH is performing an average of 1,800 tests per day.[I would like to know how that figure is computed. I come up with a daily average of 1,445 for the past 7 days for diagnostic (PCR) tests. When the antibody tests are comingled with the diagnostic tests, it’s still only 1,732.]


  •  New positive cases per DHHS: 39
  •  My new positive cases (Total of today’s cases minus yesterday’s total): 34
  •  Children under 18 in new cases: 0
  •  Total positive cases in NH: 4,685
  •  Percentage of tests that are positive: 1.8%
  •  Active cases: 1,486
  •  Percentage of positive cases that are still active: 31.7%
  •  New cases in Rockingham County: 8 per DHS; 7 by my math
  •  Total cases in Rockingham County: 1,313
  •  Percent of all cases from either Hillsborough County or Rockingham County: 81%
  •  Total PCR tests results reported today (Positive results plus negative results): 1,888
  •  Daily average of diagnostic (PCR) tests reported from 7 days ago to today: 1,445
  •  New negative PCR cases in NH: 1,854
  •  Total negative cases in NH (as reported by DHHS): 69,659


  •  New antibody tests: 208
  •  Total antibody tests: (No break down of positive vs. negative)12,046
  •  Daily average of antibody tests reported from 7 days ago to today: 533
  •  Children diagnosed with MIS-C: (as of 5/22/2020): 1

***** RECOVERED IN NH ******

  •  Announced today: 6
  •  Total: 2,954
  •  Percentage of diagnosed cases that have recovered: 63.1%


  •  New: 5
  •  Current: 98
  •  Total: 456
  •  Percentage of all confirmed cases that have been hospitalized: 10%
  •  Percentage of those who have been hospitalized that are still in the hospital: 21.5%

***** DEATHS IN NH ******

  •  Lives lost today: 0
  •  Persons over 60 years of age who died today: 0
  •  Persons under 60 years of age who died today: 0
  •  Total fatalities in NH associated with COVID-19: 245
  •  NH Residents diagnosed with COVID-19 that died: 5.2%
  •  NH Residents hospitalized with COVID-19 that died: 53.7%
  •  Lives lost in Rockingham today: 0

These are not simply numbers. We must not forget that these are all someone’s husband or wife, mother or father, sister or brother, son or daughter, friend or neighbor.

***** Key points. Read details in the article ******

  •  U.S. Census Bureau Resumes Field Operations in New Hampshire
  •  More NH businesses and state beaches reopen with restrictions today
  •  Governor Sununu’s Press Conference
  •  Emergency Operations Center

With all of the unsettling news that we’ve been hearing in the last few days, there is one good thing: Numbers in Salem and in NH appear to be stabilizing. Good job! Now, let’s keep it that way. Please, everyone, stay safe, and always, be kind.


Click on the calendar to enlarge



Q: How much testing is NH doing in comparison to our neighboring states?

A: We aren’t doing enough tests!

Today’s COVID-19 Statistics:

Salem’s confirmed cases: 

  • May 19: 213; 118 active (The highest number of active cases.)
  • May 20: 218; 116 active
  • May 21: 220; 86 active
  • May 22: 225; 77 active
  • May 23: 227; 74 active
  • May 24: 226???; 76 active
  • May 25: 228; 67 active
  • May 26: 235; 73 active
  • May 27: 235; 68 active
  • May 28: 239; 70 active
  • May 29: 239; 68 active
  • May 30: 241, 65 active
  • May 31: 244; 68 active
  • June 1: 245; 68 active

Earlier dates for Salem have been moved to

The weekly report has been moved to This is a summary of the info from NH DHHS; with more demographics than provided on a daily basis. They last updated this info on May 18.

The report containing information about other towns, counties and our MA neighbors has been moved to’m updating this information weekly. The last update was May 24.

Today’s News pertaining to COVID-19

U.S. Census Bureau Resumes Field Operations in New Hampshire 

The U.S. Census Bureau is resuming some of its field operations in New Hampshire this month, after delays caused by the coronavirus pandemic. New Hampshire is the last New England state for the bureau to resume its activities for the 2020 population count. Read more.

More NH businesses and state beaches reopen with restrictions today

Today, state beaches, health and fitness centers, acupuncture, massage therapy, and tattoo and piercing shops were all able to open today, under strict guidelines, and the Division of Motor Vehicles resumed road tests today. Read more. Read guidance. Read more about the beaches.

Governor Sununu’s Press Conference

Much of the discussion today, and many of the questions, were directed to protests over the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis MN police officer. Racism has no home here. Neither does looting or rioting.

  • Dr. Chen: NH is performing an average of 1,800 tests per day.
    • [I would like to know how that figure is computed. I come up with a daily average of 1,445 for the past 7 days for diagnostic (PCR) tests. When the antibody tests are comingled with the diagnostic tests, it’s still only 1,732.]
    • There are 2100 tests pending results
    • 4-5% of the diagnostic tests are positive
    • 4-5% antibody tests are positive
  •  Long-term care comparisons
    • Death rates at LTC facilities are high compared to other states because our death rate is so low.
  • Longterm care residents who died due to COVID-19 complications
    • NH: 1.5%
    • ME: 0.4%
    • VT: ?
    • MA: 6.9%
    • CT: 6.4%
    • RI: 8.2%
    • NY 3.5%
  • LTC facilities with COVID-19 cases (even one)
    • NH: 29%
    • ME: ?
    • VT: ?
    • MA: 51%
    • CT: ?
    • RI 36%
    • NY 38%
  • The new Dashboard will be expanded to include additional data. [Hopefully, they will make it more user friendly, especially for those of us who use Macintosh computers, but that’s probably wishful thinking.?]
  • No new outbreaks
  • Flex openings are going well. No trends in increases seen yet, but we are watching it carefully.
  • 13,000 applications received for Main Street Relief Fund.
  • How many of the antibody tests are people who have tested positive via PCR test or had symptoms or are asymptomatic? No details down to that level.
  • No data on how many of those who test positive are asymptomatic.
  • Contact tracing: 100-130 people are doing contact tracing, which is supplemented by the National Guard. We are keeping up. Tests done in other states can delay contact tracing, but as soon as we receive the info on it, we act.
  • 202 of the deaths in NH have occurred in clusters (LTC, hospitals, residential)
  • Baseline testing at nursing homes: Last samples received Friday or Saturday, tests being run now. Sentinel testing being done. State doing it this week. Outside services start next week. 10% of residents, all staff every 7-12 days, average 10 days.
  • Stay at home order impact on minority-owned businesses? Do not have that data.
  • Comparing Stay at Home to protests is a disservice to the importance of the message around those protests; a disservice to the importance of the message around the injustices. It needed to happen; peacefully and constructively. Those that want to compare social injustices and issues surrounding the murder of George Floyd to the effectiveness of a stay-at-home order and social gatherings are completely missing the point.

Emergency Operations Report

Chief Larry Best, Emergency Management Director

  • This was the 14th  briefing since March 16.
    • The EOC has been operating for the last 80 days.
    • This will be the last formal briefing of this kind with the Board of Selectmen.
    • Future reports will be given to the Town Manager and Selectmen to share at their meetings, or the EOC will do their own report with SGTV.
  • There is an increase in call volume.
    • 70-75% of the calls are EMS, with a significant number of calls for people with symptoms of COVID-19.
  • They are working on long-term PPE for the rest of the year, but they are in good shape for now.
    • Concern about storage space for PPE.
  • Inspectional services division:
    • 14 temporary outdoor restaurant seating services in Salem have been approved.

Deputy Chief Dolan

  • The number of calls are returning back to near normal
  • There is an uptick in Domestic Disputes, including some who have been diagnosed with COVID-19


My accumulation of resources has been moved. These can now be found at

Sources used to create this report:

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