COVID-19 Update September 30
- Total: 327 confirmed cases in Salem
- 1 out of every 90 Salem residents have been infected
- Salem Today: 0 new cases, <5 active cases
• • • • • • TODAY’S SPOTLIGHT • • • • • •
- There were no new cases in Salem today, for the 2nd day in a row.
- Salem again has less than 5 active cases. I am surprised that it is this low this soon; Salem has added four people with infections since Saturday.
- There were 34 new people diagnosed with COVID-19 in the State today, but the cumulative total went up by only 33. The daily average for the past week is 37 new cases per day.
- The community with the biggest increase in total cases today is Bedford, with 10 more people with infections. Manchester “only” had six new cases. Other municipalities with more increases include Plaistow and Rochester, both of which had three new cases.
- There is no significant change in the school dashboard. The one Salem person who had shown on that dashboard is now showing as recovered.
- Having heard no response to my question about continuing to report on the school info, I will continue to monitor these numbers, but will only report if I see significant changes.
- Today, NH DHHS reported in their press release that 2 more kids under 18 were infected. Changes in the dashboard from yesterday to today, by ages:
- 0-9: 0 new
- 10-19: 4
- 20-29: 5
- 30-39: 6
- 40-49: 3
- 50-59: 3
- 60-69: 2
- 70-79: 5
- 80+: 5
- 59 people were reported as “recovered” today, including at least three from Salem. NH has had 219 people who have “recovered” in the past week, for a daily average of 31 per day.
- 15 communities have more than five active cases. Geographically, all but one (Rindge) are in the southeastern part of the State, from Concord south to Nashua, and from Concord east to Rochester.
- The positivity rate yesterday was 2.99%, a little high. Today it is 0.94%. The two-week average is 2.01%
- Yesterday, we only had results from 837 tests. Today, we have 3,509 test results. Last Friday we had 16,791, which included results from UNH. The daily average for the past 5 days since then is 1,910 per day.
- No Granite State resident was hospitalized with COVID-19, but the number of patients went from 13 to 14.
- No one died in NH in the 24-hours covered by this update, for the fourth day in a row.
• • • • • • DIAGNOSTIC TESTS IN NH • • • • • •
- New positive cases per DHHS: 34
- My new positive cases (Total of today’s cases minus yesterday’s total): 33
- Children under 18 in new cases: 2
- Total positive cases in NH: 8,266
- Percentage of today’s tests that are positive: 0.94%
- Total PCR tests results reported today (Positive results plus negative results): 3,509
- The daily average of diagnostic (PCR) tests reported from 7 days ago to today: 3,795
- New negative results reported today: 3,476
- Total negative cases in NH: 265,447
• • • • • • ROCKINGHAM COUNTY • • • • • •
- Total cases in Rockingham County: 2,036
- New cases in Rockingham County: 13
- Rockingham County: New cases per 100K residents: 4.2
- Rockingham County 1-week average per 100K residents: 2.2
- Percent of all cases from Rockingham County: 24.6%
- Percent of all cases from either Hillsborough County or Rockingham County: 78%
• • • • • • ACTIVE CASES • • • • • •
- Active cases in NH: 305
- Active cases in Rockingham County: 61
- Percent of NH’s active cases that are in Rockingham County: 20.0%
• • • • • • OTHER TEST RESULTS • • • • • •
- New antibody tests: 30
- Total antibody tests (No break downs of positive vs. negative): 31,108
- The daily average of antibody tests reported from 7 days ago to today: 40
• • • • • • RECOVERED IN NH • • • • • •
- Announced today: 59
- Total Recovered: 7,522
- Percentage of diagnosed cases that have recovered: 91.0%
• • • • • • HOSPITALIZATIONS IN NH • • • • • •
- New: 0
- Current: 14
- Total Hospitalized: 738
- Percentage of those who have been infected that have been hospitalized: 8.93%
• • • • • • DEATHS IN NH • • • • • •
- Lives lost today: 0
- Persons over 60 years of age who died today: 0
- Persons under 60 years of age who died today: 0
- Total fatalities in NH associated with COVID-19: 439
- NH Residents diagnosed with COVID-19 that died: 5.31%
- Lives lost in Rockingham today: 0
These are not simply numbers. We must not forget that these are all someone’s husband or wife, mother or father, sister or brother, son or daughter, friend or neighbor.
How is your week going? If you are struggling, don’t be ashamed to seek help. There is no reason to feel that you are not alone. FYI: I care! And others do, too.
If you are struggling with housing expenses because of COVID-19, it is not too late to apply for a grant here.
Food pantries are available for those who have food insecurity. Salem NH Farmers Market is helping families who receive SNAP benefits.
If you are struggling with feelings of isolation or depression, seek help. You might start with NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Health, which can be found here. They can be called on their 24-hour hotline at 1-800-950-6264.
Center for Life Management’s Emergency Services can be reached 24/7 by calling (603) 434-1577, Option 1. CLM provides essential mental health services to their clients of all ages and to the community at large. Read more here.
If you, or someone you care about, is near the limit, call the #SuicideAwareness number at 1-800-273-8255.
There is more than one way to stay safe. Take advantage of the resources available to you. Please do what you need to do to protect you and your family. Please, in every way, stay safe, and always, be kind.

Useful links
- Rent or mortgage assistance because of COVID-19, help can be found here.
- COVID-19 testing:
- Complications of COVID-19:
- COVID-19 is not the flu. Here are the numbers:
- The Science Behind Masks:
- Unemployment resources:
- Resources for Salem residents:
- Safer at Home guidance documents on the State’s website.
- Other COVID resources from NH DHHS on the State’s website.
- Other COVID resources:
Sources used to create this report: